


Roaming Rover, 2024

Realtime clock featuring Rover from the Nintendo series Animal Crossing on a perpetual train to nowhere. Periodically, he will have something to say. Uses system time and has a dynamic day/night cycle with appropriate hourly music.



Death Do Us Part, 2024

link to itch.io demo
project statement

‘Death Do Us Part’ is a simulation based on episodic soap operas and dating simulators. Random 10-20 second scenes will play wherein two married characters will be put into a situation which in turn effects their happiness and the strength of their marriage. The simulation will end after a set amount of scene changes (3), after which one of the characters will die. If the marriage deteriorates beyond repair before 3 scenes can play, the characters will divorce. The simulation is considered successful if the marriage lasts until one of them dies. If they divorce before death, it’s a failure.



Wake Up, 2024

Roaming Rover, 2024